Alright guys, sorry for the downtime of my blog. This weekend I switched from Ubuntu 14.04 Server to FreeBSD 10 as my server Operating System. It was a bit of a struggle because I never worked with FreeBSD before, but I eventually got everything working. I followed this guide: as a reference to get everything up and running.

After the initial installation and setup it was time to restore my blog. The first problem that I had was when I was trying to import the old database via a SQL file. This gave me error 1136 on importing my posts. I fixed it by manually inserting the SQL in my phpMyAdmin instance.

After this you would think that everything is working, but the plugin WP Super Cache, could not find files and write to them, so I had to fix the permissions. After this I got everything up and running again.

So welcome on the old blog on a new OS, with the same old hardware.

New server os
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